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"I started design with no formal training for local clubs in the east end of London since the mid 90s. 
Through various hobbies and past times expanded my portfolio and led me to a collection of jobs which let my creative streak loose on the world."

MessyFred (aka Fred Turuka) has been designing pieces for print, web and screen since taking an interest whilst studying at the University of East London in 1993. As well as studying there, Fred also worked for the university's students' union for 6 years as well as being the lead designer for the regeneration agency Stratford Development Partnership in the late going into the year 2000.
Since leaving the university Fred has been involved with the London School of Samba and has helped devise and execute many campaigns
to help the samba  school increase its membership and notirity world wide.

His creations include logos, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, websites, leaflets and much more.


MessyFred / Biography

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